A lovely award

A lovely award - Hello friends Home Improvement, On this occasion I will discuss the article entitled A lovely award, I have provided various other latest articles. hopefully the article that I wrote is useful for you all..

Written by : Home Improvement
Title : A lovely award

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A lovely award

I was thrilled that Patty from Patty's Epiphanies blog, nominated me for a Liebster Award this week. It is always so lovely to be acknowledged and recognised by your fellow bloggers and to have the chance to find out more about them. I now have the challenge of answering the questions Patty has asked, and telling you more about me.

The rules of the Liebster Award as as follows (although there seems to be some variance in the rules, some say 5, so I'm going with that)

1. Post 11 facts about yourself
2. Answer the 11 questions your nominator asks and then create 11 questions for the bloggers you nominate.
3. Choose 11 people with under 200 followers to nominate and link to them
4. Go to their pages and let them know

So here is the list of questions Patty has asked.....

1.  What is your passion in life.
Apart from family, my passion is any creative pursuit such as music, decorating and craft. I have played the piano since I was 5 and that is one of my great loves, although I don't get much time for that these days. I worked in the entertainment industry for many years, and love theatre and the arts. I do love travel, enjoying fabulous food and wine, shopping of any sort, fashion and generally enjoying the beautiful things in life.

2.  Who influenced you 
I was influenced to write my blog by the many Australian women writing fabulous blogs about interiors, design and decorating and who had renovated or built their homes and whose journey I followed and was inspired by. Also those with wonderful creative and artistic blogs and small businesses who are starting up unique online ventures and creating their own successful and rewarding businesses. We have such talent in this country and I'm really proud to be part of such a wonderful, creative and successful blogworld.

3.  Why did you start writing a blog
I started this blog in May 2011 to chart the progress of our house renovation and with the idea of building it into a design and decorating blog focusing on classic American style, and then developing a homewares business of some sort. My plan was derailed a bit having another baby and the renovation has taken a lot longer to finish than I expected.

4. Are you a morning or a night person
Definitely a night person, always have been, even after three children my body clock has not adjusted. I do my best work at night, think most clearly at night and come up with the best ideas at night.

5. What is your favorite color
Blue blue blue blue blue

6. What room do you "live" in
The kitchen and the TV room, sad but true.

7. Are you a "Gold" or "Silver" Girl
Always been a silver girl, but recently been experimenting more with gold. I did go through a gold phase in the 80s. The litmus test is a person's watch I think and mine is silver.

8. Would you prefer to spend your vacation in the mountains or at the beach
Definitely a beach holiday, always a beach holiday. I don't like the cold, I don't like packing lots of stuff, I don't like walking far. I just love the water, the ocean, swimming, the sand and sun and any opportunity for a cocktail, a pair of thongs and a sarong. I love the look and feel of sun-kissed skin.

9. What part of the world would you most want to visit
Pretty much everywhere. But I want to see more of the US. I'd like to take 3 months and travel across the continent with our family, particularly seeing the east coast in depth. Having said that, my sister and her family spent 6 months in a caravan touring the north and western states of Australia from Alice Springs to Broome via Perth to Adelaide, and seeing the photos of their trip I really had no idea how amazingly beautiful Australia is and how breathtaking and varied the scenery is. There is so much of my own country I'm yet to see, I feel embarrassed I have seen so much more of the world than here. We look abroad so often for our travel and holidays, when what we have in our own back yard is pretty spectacular. 

10. Coffee or Tea
I have to have two coffees in the morning, flat whites with one sugar, before midday. But I don't drink it after then. I have a cuppa in the afternoon and one after dinner. Black with one sugar. I learned to drink black tea when we went to Fiji when I was 15. We visited a Fijian village and had a tea party with the chief. They didn't have any milk and it would have been rude to not drink the black tea offered to us, so I did, and have ever since.

11. Do you still wear a wrist watch
Absolutely, a silver Cartier Tank watch which I adore, and my husband gave to me on our wedding day. I feel naked without it.

Here are the 5 blogs I am nominating....(under 200 followers)

And here's the 5 questions for you lovely bloggers.....

1. The last time I did something I was proud of....
2. My signature dish....
3. The smell that triggers my memory....
4. White lies are allowed when....
5. I wish I could be less.....

Thanks to all the wonderful bloggers around the world for your time, effort, input and desire to share.

Thus our article entitled A lovely award,do you like the article hopefully this article can benefit you all.

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,A lovely award xxx .

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