Meet Costanza Pascolato

Meet Costanza Pascolato - Hello friends Home Improvement, On this occasion I will discuss the article entitled Meet Costanza Pascolato, I have provided various other latest articles. hopefully the article that I wrote is useful for you all..

Written by : Home Improvement
Title : Meet Costanza Pascolato

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Meet Costanza Pascolato

I got back from Sao Paulo over the weekend and guess who I met at the plane, coincidentally, none other than Sig Bergamin.  Remember I posted about him a few weeks ago.  We chatted while picking up our bags.  Amazing coincidence!

We had a great time while in Brazil and looked at as many houses and flats as you can imagine.  I have photos to share with you in a few days.  At the end of our hunt we were debating between two great contenders, one on a 28th floor -I'm afraid of heights- and another on a 14th floor.  No need to say which one we picked.  I could never sleep knowing I'm so high from the ground.
 Costanza Pascolato
 Please God make me look like Costanza when I'm in my 70's!  Amen!
On another note, while reading and trying to know more about Brazil I came across Costanza Pascolato.  The incredibly stylish Vogue Brazil contributor who is 73 years-old and looks incredible!  Italian-born, she is still photographed on the streets and very much admired by fashion bloggers.  I found some images of her home which is as stylish as she and wanted to share with you.
“My home is where I focus a lot of my energy now."  Costanza Pascolato
I want to thank all of those who have sent good wishes to my upcoming move to Sao Paulo and also to the Paulistanians who have emailed me with recommendations and insights.  I truly appreciate it.
Photos by Luis Gomes for de vida estilo

Thus our article entitled Meet Costanza Pascolato,do you like the article hopefully this article can benefit you all.

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